Sunday, November 11, 2012

Registration of BR1M 2.0 At Prima Perai

Going through some documentation with Munis
We had planned this program a week earlier. The day before it was such a hectic day. Morning there were some personal work to be done. Than 1pm was our saree distribution. 4pm was the Deepvali event of Gerakan in Bukit Tambun where we had to bring along 15 people for them to receive their aid from Gerakan. Thanks to Datuk Ng Siew Lai who had made sure our branch got its quota to assist those in need. The Batu Kawan penyelaras who is also a Gerakan member opt to pass to another member of a different party  to look for the needy. Who cares if he tend to ignore us, as long it benefits those in need. Well as for this event At KTMB Apt Perai, Munis and I were there for registration of BR1M 2.0 With Rahmat of KRT Prima Perai. Co organize by Perai Seeds n Kelab Cinta 1 Msia. Good support and turn out.

With KRT Prima Perai En. Rahmat & KTM Staff