Sunday, January 25, 2009

Syed Hamid Making The Situation Worse For Barisan Nasional

We are writing this letter under the capacity of local leaders / grassroots leaders especially for the Indian Community and also as a member of a BARISAN NASIONAL component party. Many things have been said and done about the ongoing issue of the 22 year old Police Brutality death victim, Kugen. There are many political parties are now trying to gain publicity and names for themselves rather than highlighting the main issues. Authorities and politician are making the situation worse with irresponsible and childish statements. First it all started when the Selangor Chief Police Officer sarcastically gave a press statement that two Deputy Minister ‘BARGE’ into the mortuary. Well it clearly indicates that this CPO was either sleeping or not aware on what is going on. The dailies have proved that the crowd only entered the room after the Hospital authorities opened the door after continues request from the family members. The arrival of the Deputy Minister which was about 1 hour later showed that they had nothing to do with the issue. I salute the Ministers who had gone to the mortuary to handle and control the issue professionally especially T. Murugiah. I’m sure he was just doing his job as a BPA Chief. For a CPO to give a press statement without referring to the concern Deputy Ministers, just shows and indicates that he is not doing his job professionally and according to the protocol and procedure. Than, came the issue where the family members wanted a second post mortem. Why is there so much hassle on that? Its their right for the second post mortem, and T.Murugiah had to go around to get this second post mortem done. There was a good feedback when the AG classified this case as murder. But Evan than, the police were denying the family’s rights for the post mortem. Finally the post mortem was held on Suday moring till late night and im very sure what the results will be in 2 days time.

To make situation worse, the Home Minister gave a most shocking statement that the two Deputy Ministers can be charged for going to the mortuary. Well I doubt in which world is this Deputy Minister living. Is UMNO Ministers trying to say that, if the Indian community has any problems and issue, no leaders should get down to help them? These people should just find their own way to solve their problems? Syed Hamid should be more intellectual. This is something basic where all politicians will do. When the community has a problem, it’s the duty of the Deputy Ministers especially T. Murugiah ( since he is in BPA ) to get to the ground and solve this problem. Syed Hamid’s statement has certainly make the situation worse. With the circulation of Kugen’s injury photo’s each and everyone are disappointed with the attitude of the police officers who had beaten this youth to death.. Syed hamid should have given statement that will cool off the Indian community and not telling off the Deputy Ministers that they will be charge for being at the scene. Like the Indian proverbs says ‘ He is pouring oil into the burning fire. Certainly he has made the community to further hate the Barisan nasional Government. We as local leaders have been receiving continuous critics from the community on the brutal act of the police and also the irresponsible statement of the Deputy Minister. Syed Hamid should realize that there are thousands of grassroots leaders who now have to answer to the community for his sarcastic statement. Don’t forget the March 8 2008 general Election. Work towards regaining the five states and the two third of the Parliament. Don’t give statements and make situation worse. I wonder if he had seen the pictures of the victim. Evan if the detainee did commit the crime, this is not the way to interrogate the victim. This is an act of animal and not human. Murugiah is doing a good job and certainly slowly he is helping Barisan Nasional to regain the support of not only the Indian Community but also the Malays and Chinese. Let him do his job. The CPO and Syed Hamid should have look into this matter from all angle before giving out their statements. We at the ground level are very – very disappointed that the UMNO Minister has not changed Evan after the March General Election. Than what is the use for us to work hard and handle all the community service voluntarily ( we are not being paid for anything – Syed Hamid is receiving his pay from the tax payers money as his pay ), to make sure Barisan Nasional wins the majority during the next election? We rather sit at home and do nothing than being the scape goat just because the inhumane statement of Syed Haimd. The top Barisan Leaders should always realize that their statement will backfire those in the grassroot. As for this issue, we here believe Murugiah and Devamany was just doing their job and were undertaking their responsibility for the community and Barisan Nasional. Support them for their effort not back stab them. May the victim will be laid to rest soon may he rest in peace.